Develop your business together with others

Get access to contacts, technology, equipment and knowledge.

Do you want to strengthen cooperation with other companies and learn about the latest in production technology? As part of the Production Technology Center (PTC), you will be part of a broad network and also have the opportunity to use technology and equipment in our test and demo environment.

Meeting the right people

We believe that the key to development is the meeting between people. Our network makes it easy for you to find the right contacts for exciting meetings and collaborations.

Take advantage of new knowledge

We organize events, workshops, study visits and networking events where you can influence and learn about the latest research and, perhaps most importantly, find out how it is used in practice.

Help shape the future

The PTC has extensive experience in setting up and running projects. As a partner of the PTC, we help you start new or participate in existing research and development projects.

Save time, space and investment

Our test and demo environment gives you the conditions to test your product, service or method. You also save time, space and money by having access to the right equipment, skills and space in our premises.

Briefly about the network

The PTC is open to all companies and organizations.
Production processes, additive manufacturing and automation are our areas of strength, but we support production development in other areas.

How do I become a member?

Contact Tommy Christensen

Main parties
