project Filtering Ongoing Previously All Please enable javascript... Innovatum Science Park React PTC We are developing our methods and approaches, as well as upgrading the arena, to give more companies access to equipment and knowledge. Please enable javascript... Innovatum Science Park RISE LIGHTer LIGHTer is a national cross-industry lightweight arena, with the aim of strengthening companies with lightweight expertise. Please enable javascript... University West Innovatum Science Park EnvironmentFIA MiljöFIA's vision is to reduce the environmental impact but increase the competitiveness of the Swedish manufacturing sector. Please enable javascript... Innovatum Science Park Springboard Enables the region's aerospace and engineering companies to contribute to a greener aviation industry. Please enable javascript... GKN Aerospace Innovatum Science Park Factory of the future The aim is to further strengthen PTC in the fields of connected industry, metal additive manufacturing and non-destructive testing. This site uses cookies. I accept