
Factory of the future - infrastructure

The project Infrastructure Factory of the Future is the first step in the Factory of the Future initiative initiated by Innovatum Science Park and GKN Aerospace. The purpose is to further strengthen the Production Technology Center (PTC) in the areas of connected industry, additive manufacturing (AM) in metal and non-destructive testing (NDT). The project also expands PTC's existing manufacturing processes with automated composite production.

The project will prepare premises and organization for the expansion of PTC in Trollhättan and install specific equipment for automated composite production and additive manufacturing in metal.

The work packages of the project are:

  • Organization and communication, to develop how the PTC is organized and communicated.
  • Premises, to increase the PTC's workshop space by approximately 600m2 for the development of manufacturing methods related to the production of composite parts. Furthermore, the work package aims to identify and address other common problems within the PTC premises.
  • Inventory of needs, to increase the understanding and knowledge of the industry's needs for testing and demonstration in these areas:
    • Non-destructive testing and non-contact measurement
    • Production of composite parts
    • Additive manufacturing of metals
    • Digital tools and systems in the manufacturing industry
  • Test and demo, to install and test the equipment added during the project related to automated composite production and additive manufacturing in metal.

About the Factory of the Future - Infrastructure project

Partners in the projectInnovatum Science Park
GKN Aerospace
Kraftstaden Fastigheter
RISE Sicomp
Financing GKN Aerospace
Kraftstaden Fastigheter
Region Västra Götaland.
In progress


Ideas, questions or concerns? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Leif Johansson

Innovation Manager Sustainable IndustryInnovatumScience Park 073-826 50 30

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Factory of the future

The aim is to further strengthen PTC in the fields of connected industry, metal additive manufacturing and non-destructive testing.