

LIGHTer is a national cross-industry lightweight arena, with the aim of increasing the competitiveness, profitability and growth of companies with lightweight expertise. The regional node in Västra Götaland has now started its third phase of the project to support companies in the region. In this phase, we have a special focus on electrification issues and the challenges facing the manufacturing industry.

In the first stages of the project, we inventoried companies with lightweight products to identify their needs for support in developing lightweight products. Our ambition was to find concrete and creative steps towards development and growth in the lightweight area. We followed and supported the companies with activities that linked common technology challenges, such as theme days, or by initiating collaborations and projects with specific lightweight issues.

The overall aim of this third phase is to create a strong regional research and innovation network with international competitiveness around the development and production of lightweight products. We support companies with activities that lead to development and growth in the lightweight area. In the third phase, we have a special focus on component, material and manufacturing challenges in electrification, with a focus on vehicles and transport and the transition that awaits the manufacturing companies.

About LIGHTer

Project ownerRISE
Project participantsInnovatum Science Park
Financing Region Västra Götaland
In progress 2021-01-15 - 2024-06-30

Partners in the project

The project is funded by

Ideas, questions or concerns? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Tommy Christensen

Manager PTCInnovatumScience Park 070-419 93 72

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  • Innovatum Science Park

React PTC

We are developing our methods and approaches, as well as upgrading the arena, to give more companies access to equipment and knowledge.

  • Innovatum Science Park
  • RISE


LIGHTer is a national cross-industry lightweight arena, with the aim of strengthening companies with lightweight expertise.

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  • Innovatum Science Park


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  • Innovatum Science Park


Enables the region's aerospace and engineering companies to contribute to a greener aviation industry.

  • GKN Aerospace
  • Innovatum Science Park

Factory of the future

The aim is to further strengthen PTC in the fields of connected industry, metal additive manufacturing and non-destructive testing.