
MiljöFIA's vision is to reduce the environmental impact but increase the competitiveness of the Swedish manufacturing sector. This is done by establishing a national arena for flexible and innovative automation in West Sweden. In practice, this means that robots and humans should be able to work together in a safe and efficient way in the production environment, but also that new technology and digital processes should contribute to streamlining production.
Swedish technology companies have a combined turnover of almost SEK 800 billion, but there are also challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises to keep up with the increasingly fierce competition. The opportunities provided by digitalization and R&D collaboration will help these companies to increase their competitiveness by building more efficient and value-creating manufacturing flows with a sufficiently high degree of automation.
MiljöFIA will create a competence center for the region's companies at the Production Technology Center (PTC) where important national/international research actors collaborate, thus creating valuable competence transfer. The competence center will create long-term collaboration in research and development issues around innovative automation with the aim of strengthening competitiveness and skills supply. Companies will be identified and recruited for active participation and a long-term relationship. This makes the demonstration environment a sustainable research and development environment that will live on after the project ends.
The project places a strong focus on the need for companies to create attractive, safe and efficient workplaces adapted to frequent changes in volumes and products.
About LIGHTer
Project participants | Innovatum Science Park, University West |
Financing | Region Västra Götaland, EURUF |
In progress | 2017-02-01 - 2023-01-31 |
Partners in the project

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