

Professional welding worker in factory

MiljöFIA's vision is to reduce the environmental impact but increase the competitiveness of the Swedish manufacturing sector. This is done by establishing a national arena for flexible and innovative automation in West Sweden. In practice, this means that robots and humans should be able to work together in a safe and efficient way in the production environment, but also that new technology and digital processes should contribute to streamlining production.

Swedish technology companies have a combined turnover of almost SEK 800 billion, but there are also challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises to keep up with the increasingly fierce competition. The opportunities provided by digitalization and R&D collaboration will help these companies to increase their competitiveness by building more efficient and value-creating manufacturing flows with a sufficiently high degree of automation.

MiljöFIA will create a competence center for the region's companies at the Production Technology Center (PTC) where important national/international research actors collaborate, thus creating valuable competence transfer. The competence center will create long-term collaboration in research and development issues around innovative automation with the aim of strengthening competitiveness and skills supply. Companies will be identified and recruited for active participation and a long-term relationship. This makes the demonstration environment a sustainable research and development environment that will live on after the project ends.

The project places a strong focus on the need for companies to create attractive, safe and efficient workplaces adapted to frequent changes in volumes and products.

About LIGHTer

Project participantsInnovatum Science Park, University West
Financing Region Västra Götaland, EURUF
In progress 2017-02-01 - 2023-01-31

Partners in the project

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Ideas, questions or concerns? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Tommy Christensen

Manager PTCInnovatumScience Park 070-419 93 72

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  • Innovatum Science Park

React PTC

We are developing our methods and approaches, as well as upgrading the arena, to give more companies access to equipment and knowledge.

  • Innovatum Science Park
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LIGHTer is a national cross-industry lightweight arena, with the aim of strengthening companies with lightweight expertise.

  • University West
  • Innovatum Science Park


MiljöFIA's vision is to reduce the environmental impact but increase the competitiveness of the Swedish manufacturing sector.

  • Innovatum Science Park


Enables the region's aerospace and engineering companies to contribute to a greener aviation industry.

  • GKN Aerospace
  • Innovatum Science Park

Factory of the future

The aim is to further strengthen PTC in the fields of connected industry, metal additive manufacturing and non-destructive testing.