PTC creates great opportunities for startups

The Production Technology Center conducts world-leading research in additive manufacturing and GKN Aerospace develops technologies for the aircraft of the future. Through Innovatum Science Park, innovative startups and smaller companies can also gain access to the unique test environment.

Procada, which develops new 3D printing technology for lightweight metal structures, is one of the companies. 

- We have access to infrastructure that would have been completely unthinkable otherwise for us as a small startup. The fact that we can rent, test and borrow equipment here is absolutely fantastic. We would never have come as far as we have now without this opportunity," says co-founder Petter Hagqvist. 

The machinery is unique in Sweden

Today, the arena is run by the main partners Innovatum Science Park, University West, GKN Aerospace, Swerim and IUC West and 12 companies are active partners. Large amounts have been invested in equipment over the years and the high-tech machine park is today unique in the country. There are a number of different equipment for additive manufacturing in plastics and metals of various kinds, an automation lab, a composite arena for automated production of composite products, equipment for non-destructive testing and much, much more.

Petter Hagqvist and Almir Heralic at Procada. Photo: Sebastian LaMotte

Technical conditions and business support

For startups and smaller companies, there are huge opportunities here. Not only through access to technical equipment, but also the network and knowledge that exists.

For Petter and his co-founder Almir Heralic, both PTC and the incubator at Innovatum Science Park have played an important role in the development of their company. Through PTC, the team has gained access to technical equipment and the network around it. Through the incubator, they have received support on many business-related issues, and also a workplace in the Startup Environment, which is located across the street from PTC.

The two founders have doctorates from University West in the technology that underpins their innovation. They describe themselves as "technology nerds" who have become entrepreneurs along the way.

- It is the business approach that has been the biggest challenge - not the technology. The incubator has been an important support in business development issues. Having access to both the incubator and PTC has been fantastic for us," says Almir.

Part of the ESA-BIC space program

Procada has also been part of the national space program ESA-BIC Sweden, which Innovatum Science Park helps run. Here, startups with space-related ideas can apply for a €50,000 grant and a range of other business benefits. So what does Procada's technology have to do with space?

Their 3D metal printers can help reduce material consumption, environmental impact and weight optimization in a variety of industries, such as aerospace. But the technology can also create great opportunities in space.

Building spare parts in zero gravity requires technology that is fast, precise and lightweight. So far, spare parts in space have been created using plastic 3D printers, but the future requires metal and better conditions, which is where Procada comes in.

- The powder 3D metal printers available today do not work in zero gravity. "The goal is for our technology to be part of the first manned journey to Mars in 2033," says Petter.

Ideas, questions or concerns?
Do not hesitate to contact us.

Eivind Vogel-Rödin

Chairman of the steering committee PTCInnovatumScience Park 070-600 38 28

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